Games Descriptions (A-B)


Icebreaker, non-active, circle

Time - Short (5-10 minutes)

Group Size - Any, but can get slow in larger groups

Equipment Needed - None

Everyone stands in a circle, making a gun shape with their hands. In an icebreaker situation, everyone would go around the circle and say their names.

The leader will call out a name of someone, who then has to duck before the people either side of them can turn and shoot them by saying BANG! The slowest person to say BANG is eliminated, unless the person in the middle was too slow or another rule was broken.

The last person to be eliminated also says the next name.

People can also be eliminated if they shoot or duck without needing to, or firing across the circle once multiple people have been eliminated (magic bullet).

Rounds continue until only two people remain, at which point they duel, where they stand back to back in the centre. Someone will call Walk, at which point they start walking, until Draw is called, where the fastest to turn and say BANG is the winner.


Bon Voyage

Icebreaker, Non-Active

Time - Short (5-10 minutes)

Group Size - Any

Equipment Needed - None

Everyone forms groups of three.

The leader will say “Say Bon Voyage to the person with…” and specify something measurable. The person who best fits that description then leaves and finds a new group. Examples include longest hair, living the closest, most pets, etc.


Groups affirm the arriving player.


Active, Icebreaker, Running

Time - Short (5-10 minutes)

Group Size - Any

Equipment Needed - None

Everyone stands on one wall or side of an area. Two or three people are chosen/volunteer to be in.

One of the people calls the name of someone standing on the wall by saying “Bullrush (name)”. That person then starts running and calls “Bullrush all!” Everyone must then try to make it to the other end without being tipped. If someone is tipped, they are in.

Rounds continue until only one person has not been tipped.
