What do you really see?
In today's gospel, Jesus said some people "look without seeing and hear without hearing or understanding". Have you ever felt a grey fog when things just blur into each other, when words just become random letters on a page and you wonder 'what am I really seeing?' I know I have!
Sometimes our vision (physical and spiritual) can be clouded. Sometimes this is brought on by tiredness, being too comfortable in life, sometimes ignorance or lack of awareness. Jesus encourages us to wake up to the reality and events in our life; to encounter life in its fullness like God intended for us. When you encounter creation- in the dazzling earth or the sacredness of another person- is there room for awe? When we go to mass have we become blasé or are we present to the mystery? When we message friends, are we present to them in the moments? What do we really see?
I invite you to join me in this prayer that the "maker of heaven and earth of all things visible and invisible"( from the Nicene Creed) can help open our eyes to truly see the life around us in its fullness.