Heads Down Thumbs Up
Heads Down, Thumbs Up
Heads Down, Thumbs Up
Quiet, Non-Active
Time - medium (10 minutes)
Group Size - any
Equipment Needed - none
Choose 4-6 people to be in, then ask everyone to put their heads down and their thumbs up.
The people who are in squeeze the thumbs of one person each, before returning to the front. If someone feels their thumbs be squeezed, they put their thumbs away, but don’t look up.
Once everyone has chosen, the leader calls “Heads Up, Stand Up,” and anyone who was chosen stands up, and each person guesses who they think picked them, with the people who are in replying with “Maybe, Maybe Not.” If they guess correctly, they are now in and the person who chose them returns to the group.
The leader then says “Heads Down, Thumbs Up,” and a new round begins.