The Ninja Game
The Ninja Game
Icebreaker, Non-Active
Time - Short (5 minutes)
Group Size - Any
Equipment Needed - None
Everyone stands up to begin. The leader should run this game from a higher position, like a stage or standing on a chair.
The leader explains the actions to be used in the game, usually four but can be three when played with a group who isn’t familiar with the game. The actions are normally:
BEAR (hands raised like claws with palms facing forward)
CRANE (essentially the crane kick from Karate Kid)
SNAKE (right arm bent upwards with fingers pointing down and away from the body, with left hand supporting elbow)
DRAGON EGG (forearms creating circle shape over torso)
Each round, everyone chooses an action at the same time, which is counted in by the leader with two beats on their legs, with everyone revealing their action on the third beat.
The aim of the game is to avoid doing the same action as the leader, which results in being eliminated from the game. This continues until only one person remains.
This game has endless variations, as the actions can be chosen from any theme or category to suit a setting or theme of a night, e.g. Animals, Musical Instruments, Superheroes, Halloween, etc.