Pie and Sauce
Pie and Sauce
Circle, Icebreaker
Time - Short (5 minutes)
Group Size - any
Equipment Needed - none
The group stands in a circle, and everyone makes a “pie” with their left hand (palm open and facing up) and a “sauce bottle” with their right hand (pointer finger pointing downwards). Each person places the sauce in the pie of the person next to them, meaning each person should have their finger on the palm of the person to their right and the person on their left placing their finger on the open palm.
The aim of the game is to trap the finger of the person to your left with your palm, while pulling your right finger up so that it isn’t caught, The leader will either give a countdown or designate a codeword to trigger the game.
For example, a leader might say, “3, 2, 1, GO!” and on “GO!” everyone would simultaneously try to close their palm and raise their finger. If it is a codeword, a leader will tell the group what the word is, and then tell a story until the word is spoken.
The game can then be repeated, or people who were caught can be eliminated.