Games Descriptions (C)


Active, Running

Time - Medium (10-15 minutes)

Group Size - Any

Equipment Needed - partitions and other large objects can be used to create extra hiding places, but not always necessary

Choose a place that has lots of spots to hide.

One person starts with a good view of the area, then closes their eyes and holds their hands out, counting down from 30. The rest of the group then has to high-five their hands and find a hiding spot before the person finishes counting. If the person who is in can see anyone, they are also in, and they begin counting down from 25.

Rounds continue in 5 second increments until only one person is left hidden, or everyone remaining is spotted in one round.

Captain Ball

Active, Ball, Team

Time - Short (5 minutes)

Group Size - Any

Equipment Needed - number of balls equal to the number of teams needed

Split the group into even teams of between 5 and 8. Each team will need a ball (medium sized plastic balls work best)

The first person in each team will stand a few metres away from the rest of their team, facing their team with the ball. The rest of the team stands in a straight line.

The captain must throw the ball to each member of their team, with each person ducking down as they throw the ball back to the captain. Once the ball gets to the person at the back, they run to the front and become the captain. The old captain joins the front of the line.

This continues until the initial captain gets back to the front.


A tennis ball can also be used with increased distances between the captain and the team

Captain's Coming!

Active, Icebreaker

Time - Short (5 minutes)

Group Size - Any

Equipment Needed - None

Assign one wall of a large hall as Bow, the opposite of that wall as Stern, the wall left of Bow as Port, and the final wall as Starboard.

The leader calls one of the directions, which the group then runs to, trying not to be last. The leader can also call “Scrub the deck!” where everyone must pretend to clean the deck of a ship or “Captain’s Coming!” where everyone must salute the leader.

This game is for getting kids moving and listening. It can be ended at any point as it doesn’t have a way for it to end.


Icebreaker, non-active, circle

Time - Medium (10 minutes)

Group Size - Any

Equipment Needed - None

Split the group into two equal groups and arrange both groups into concentric circles, with the inside circle facing the outside circle, and each person should be in a pair with someone from the opposite circle.

The leader then asks the group to answer a question in their pairs, which can relate to any number of topics to promote conversation between the two. After around a minute to answer, the leader can ask if there are any interesting answers to share. Otherwise, the leader instructs one circle to move a number of spaces in either direction, and presents a new question.

A game of carousel normally lasts for 4 or 5 questions, but can be longer or shorter depending on the group.


Non-active, Teams (optional)

Time - Medium (10-15 minutes)

Group Size - Smaller groups work best to give everyone a go

Equipment Needed - Prepared prompts if preferred

One member of the group or team chooses a prompt from a set of prepared prompts, or is told a prompt by the leader.

They must act out the prompt without speaking until their team guesses what the prompt is within a time limit.

This can be played for fun or points can be kept between teams.

Clap Catch

Ball, Active, Circle

Time - Short (5-10 minutes)

Group Size - Small to medium. Large groups can result in circles that are too large to play with

Equipment Needed - A light, medium sized ball

The group stands in a circle. A ball is thrown between people, but the person catching must clap before they catch the ball. 

If they fail to clap or catch the ball, they “lose” a leg (kneel on one knee), then a 2nd leg (kneel or sit), then an arm (one arm behind their back), until they are eliminated for a 4th mistake.

Games usually do not last until one winner remains.


Players can earn limbs back on a successful catch

Clothing Detective

Non-Active, Quiet

Time - Short (5-10 minutes)

Group Size - any

Equipment Needed - none

A player is chosen to be the detective and is taken outside by a leader. The rest of the players then make 3 changes to anyone’s wardrobe, usually with someone giving something to someone else, like a watch, jumper, shoes or anything else that can be passed around quickly.

The detective then returns and has to guess what has been changed, usually with three chances to get it right.

Afterwards, a new detective is chosen and the game continues


Non-Active, Quiet

Time - Short

Group Size - any

Equipment Needed - none